Question:  Will I get a ticket if I drive in a solid-white painted lane while exiting a freeway?  I drive off of 85 South and want to turn right onto Blossom Hill Rd. There is plenty of room to turn right and tons of people do it all of the time but I don't know if it's legal or not.

Answer:  The photo shows the turn you are asking about.  People are using the shoulder as a second right turn lane.  The vehicle code says it is legal to use the shoulder for right turns but only for 200 feet in advance of an intersection.  The two car drivers right at the limit line MIGHT be able to argue their way out of a ticket based on that, but the white car that is farther back is clearly violating the law. 

However, the shoulder stripe does not stay parallel to the curb all the way to the limit line.  Starting about 50 feet in advance of the limit line, it curves toward the curb.  So the two cars at the limit line are not using the shoulder, they are using the same lane as the black car to their left.  Since cars moving parallel must have a white lane line stripe between them, these drivers could be ticketed. 

It’s the kind of issue Mr. Roadshow is very good at resolving, so I’m forwarding your question to him.