January 24, 2013
Caltrans and Siemens are now near the one-year anniversary of our contract to install ramp meter signals along Route 101 in San Mateo County. It is part of a new ventures program authorized by the California legislature to use design-build contracting for infrastructure. Information on the overall program can be found at http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/oppd/designbuild/db.htm. Specific information on the San Mateo project is at http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/oppd/designbuild/sanmateo.htm
Siemens has adopted an assembly line approach to implementing the ramp meters. The first item of work is conduit installation which should be done at all sites within a week. The second item is installation of pull boxes and foundations, which started about a week after the conduit work and should be finished a week after the conduits. Subsequent items are installation of controller cabinets, conductors, small poles, signal heads, specialty foundations and large poles. The 'specialty foundation' work consists of installing new foundations for overhead signs, attached to existing flyover ramp structures.
For me the opportunity to Manage the Design Build team on project has been an amazing professional growth experience. Our two primary teaming partners, BKF Engineers and the Pavex construction division of Graniterock, have been so consistently team focused and in search of win-win options that the work to date has been a pleasure.
This is the first of several posts that I hope will provide insights to others on the design-build approach to construction work.
Posted by Steve Fitzsimons. Posted In : For Traffic Signal Designers