Question:  I’ve been told Caltrans recently issued new guidelines on accommodating bicycles at signalized intersections.  Where can I find the details?

Answer:  In August, 2009, Caltrans issued a Policy Directive about new requirements for bicycle detection at signalized intersections and new guidelines for traffic signal timing to accommodate bicycle travel speeds.  You can find the full document at  The document describes changes that will be made in the California MUTCD. 

The guidance seems to be part of recent trends to make our streets more friendly to bicycles and pedestrians.  Like the recent changes in pedestrian signal timing, though, the portion of this Directive that deal with traffic signal timing will likely result in longer green times for minor moves and longer cycle lengths for intersections in coordinated systems. In my opinion, the signal timing portion of this guidance is counter-productive in making our street system more friendly to non-motorized modes.  What it does is create longer cycles, which means longer wait times for everyone trying to get through the intersection.  Also in my opinion, imposing a uniform policy without allowing leeway for local agency traffic engineers to stay with the old practice for intersections with little bike usage is just bad engineering.