Question:  I notice that many drivers don't seem to know how to merge on to the freeway.  What's the ideal method?  

Answer:  A recent survey ( found that about 70% of drivers do know how to enter a freeway.  That means roughly 1 out of 3 do not.   The Califoria Driver's Handbook says - Enter the freeway at or near the speed of traffic. (Remember that the maximum speed allowed is 65 mph on most freeways.) Do not stop before merging into freeway traffic unless absolutely necessary. Freeway traffic has the right-of-way. 

The survey authors summarize the guidelines from many states as follows:

- While on the entrance ramp, begin checking for an opening in traffic
- Use the acceleration lane to speed up to freeway speed.  Match your speed to the speed of traffic in the merge lane.
- Merge into traffic when you can do so safely.  You must yield the right of way to traffic on the freeway.  Do not count on other drivers moving over to give you room.