Question:  Why are they always right in front of me?  Those drivers who for no apparent reason seem to slow down until they are going 10 mph below the prevailing speed?  

Answer:  We've all been stuck behind people who think their cell phone use is not a problem.  Some of us will also admit we are sometimes the problem.  Thanks to Ken Krantz for this heads up:  
Starting today and throughout the month, the CHP will join local and statewide agencies in "zero-tolerance" enforcements on distracted driving. April has been named Distracted Driving Awareness Month in the state of California as an effort to remind drivers of often ignored statewide legislation against using cell phones while driving. Kicking off at 6 a.m., the CHP is joining forces with over 225 local agencies to step up enforcements.
Think about the vast majority of calls and texts you send or receive every day. Were any really worth a crash, injury or death? Please be considerate of others and put your mobile devices away while driving.

Read more about the crackdown here: